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3a. Communicating with Students

The lesson plan segments and videos posted above are just some examples of how I structure my instruction in a way that is accessible and clear to every student. In addition to verbal and written communication with my students and their families, I ensure to constantly check for understanding with different strategies such as asking students to talk back directions, establishing question parking lots, and more. When communicating with students and their families I remind myself about each person's unique backgrounds and manners of understanding given that I want to give everyone the same possibility of success.

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

The discussions and questions notated above illustrate different strategies I have used in past lessons to deepen student understanding and engagement. Sometimes there is a need to ask questions in a variety of ways in order to engage all students and make sure everyone understands the content fully as well as every student engaging in critical thought.

3c. Engaging Students in Learning

The slideshow highlighted above was one which I created as a resource for other Dance Educators to use as a tool to engage students. Creating activities, games, competitions, exercises, and materials similar to this is essential to create higher student engagement. Teaching materials have to be diverse, and activities have to be eye-catching so students can maintain engagement with more ease. I enjoy being creative with my teaching materials and believe that students benefit greatly from my different ways of teaching.

3d. Using Assessment in Instruction

The applied feedback and assessment in instruction self-analysis document shown here are examples on how I work assessment into my instruction. I believe that assessment is an added opportunity for students to grow which is why I analyze both their work and mine during each small or big assessment that I have worked into the lessons. I utilize diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment in my lessons all of which have an impact in how I design my future lessons. I believe assessments are opportunities for growth and address them as such with my students.

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